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Find your essence

Our Ancestors used to find people's essence by observing. There is evidence of very similar Enneagram systems in Egypt, Tibet also in Babilonia, Inca Societies but they didn't register this wisdom in the books so the history is not so cleary. We believe they recognized the essence of children and educated each individual based on who they really were.

Anyway, Enneagram is not a part of our society, so we need different ways to find our essence.

Here you can find some ways. I invite you to choose one way or all use all this options

1- Enneagram Personality test

2- Study about all essences and find yours

3- Enneagram couch session

1- Enneagram Personality test

Usually it  has 70% accuracy. The test can also tell you about how you are in the present moment not necessary how you truly really. According to this anthropological, your essence never change but in some moments you may borrow attributes from other essences and you may find this is your essence. If you know yourself very well, you can recognize your essence by reading the description of the essences. If you don't know very well about you, test may not give you a correct answer.


Here you find an free ebook with a test 



2- Study about all essences and find yours:

We can understand enneagram about 9 attributes that all human beens have. From this 9 attribute, there is one that you have more, this is what we call your essence. Why is important to find your essence is we are all?

Because just our essence has the key for be the best version of yourself. When you borrow atributs from others you aslo do that according to your essence. 

Imagine that everyone have their musical instrument. When you don't know your life instrument, you take anyone and play. You can play well, but it will be never your own music. Once you find your instrument, you need to fix your instrument and learn how to play. It will flow naturaly. And after you know how to play your own instrument well you can learn how to play other to compose your melody in different rhythms. So is always very important to also understand about other essences to understand better about yourself. 

Here explanations about all essences. 



3- Enneagram  Mentoring 

This session is intended for you to be sure about what is your essence at Enneagram. You may be between 2 different essences

or have no ideia at all. 

At this session I will fully explain about all essences if you don't have any ideia about what is your essence or we will explore deeply the essences you feel more connected in the way to be sure about yours. 

Find your essence. If this is a group or couple the process will involve finding the essence of everyone involved. For that we will explain how all the 9 Enneagram Essence work, how they think, how they see reality, how they perceive life... and we will help you to find yours.

The 5 Step Process to Implementing Enneagram Wisdom into your life 



Session 1 (free 15 min)  - Explain the enneagram process and get acquainted with yourself at this moment, your challenges and/or goals.


Session 2- Find your essence. If this is a group or couple the process will involve finding the essence of everyone involved. For that we will explain how all the 9 Enneagram Essence work, how they think, how they see reality, how they perceive life... and we will help you to find yours.


Step 3 – After knowing your Essence, we will understand how your present moment is and we will teach you how your essence is and what to do to achieve what you want. This is like giving you a manual about your soul. On that step you need to answer a questionnaire and send it back to us.


Session 4 – Here we will give you a deep understanding about your life in the present moment according to Enneagram. And what you have to do to achieve everything you want according to who you are. We will set your goals by understanding who you are. 

Session 5  (free) Feedback call after 4 weeks. The purpose of this call is understanding how you are according to the goals we set, and answer your questions. 




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